Monday, March 28, 2016

Delays in posting

Sorry for the delay in posting. Busy parenting. As the kids become more comfortable we see more natural behavior (which means somewhat more misbehavior, nothing too serious but it takes some time to deal with)

Jaenelle's birthday was Sunday. She got what she asked for. A pomegranate some "European fashion" (shopping with mom at some Italian clothing store) Special dinner and dessert. Pizza Chicken (or so I call it, more or less Chicken Marinara) poached chocolate covered pears (I can still do some fancy stuff in this minimal kitchen) It was a good day. Some tears from her after everybody went to bed. She wasn't quite ready for such a significant loss of 1 on 1 time. I'll go into it more later. We have recommitted to try to spend 1 on 1 time with each kid and assured her it will be easier at home. More stuff to do, more conveniences that allow for more time. (like a kitchen whose workspace isn't the size of a boat's galley)

Jack cut his knee on some sharp rocks on a medieval era wall while we were out for a walk on Sunday. Had to take him home and patch him up. Boy has had a rough trip. He's bashed his head on playground equipment seriously enough to give himself a gooseegg. (This was 10 days ago, he's fine) Smacked his mouth a few days later (slipped on sand on the equipment, teeth first into wood,  he is fine, no loose teeth) split his knee. Gone down several times while on uneven sidewalks and cobblestones. He's in the wail like a siren phase. So it's fun. Add to that some days of sharing his bed with Aleks don't always go well and he's been roughed up this trip. He will like being home. Such a good kid. Positive and happy almost all the time. If his little brother smacks him (as we are teaching Aleks not to do) or bothers him, Jack will not lash out. Jack will not hit his brother. Aleks is more rough and tumble for sure, but Jack is much bigger than Aleks.  (not that Jack is big but he is 7 month older, that's alot when you are five)
Jack is just too kindhearted to beat up his little brother. He's such a good kid and so quiet, we have to be careful not to lose him in the shuffle.

Spent $100E on books on Friday. Found out the Latvians had few books. They are voracious readers, especially Nauris. It's like feeding a starving man. Language delays my butt. They just didn't have enough stimulus and access to things. Seems so strange to think of books as a luxury.

Well, I will continue to work on my summaries of the kids (all of them) between time and a bit of a clunky laptop (beggars can't be choosers) that will probably wait until we get home.

All things are go. We get the visas today. I will talk to the super about the apartment and moving out. Mail extra clothes home. Arrange for a minibus to take us to the airport early Thursday and talk to the airport about how early we need to be there. It's a 6:30 flight. 2 hours early is well, crazy most places that early. We will see what they say. With the issues in Europe lately with terrorism, I am concerned with security. The uptick in police presence is noticiable. With all the Easter events here you could see them, very obviously. A number of not so obvious ones too (thank my time in New Orleans to pick out those) The police don't break out the K-9's for fun.

Should be good. Happy we have a pretty long layover in Frankfurt to handle any extra security. Since we are already in the airport it shouldn't be too bad, I hope.

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