Saturday, March 12, 2016

Day nine

Nothing too exciting this one will be short.

Today had a few interesting  events.

We had a quiet morning. We planned to go out to play, for the first time since we got here it was sunny. 40 degrees seemed balmy. Right before we left Aleks became frustrated with Dite and smacked her a good one. I don't think it hurt that much, but it hurt her feelings. With her previous experiences, it's not that surprising. Aleks got a significant time out, and I worked out enough in Latvian that he had to apologize. Dite was upset that she got hit and as much that she was afraid that Aleks was in big trouble. He was, but perhaps she thought more was going to happen than did. Speaks to her early history. Kids have figured out a scolding from dad isn't much fun. My tone and look on my face seems to do the trick. It all worked out. Wendy talked with Dite a bit and Aleks apologized.

We had a nice time at the playground. Threw the balls around. Kids played tag. Nauris can really throw. He's taken to the American Football nicely. His favorite sport is futbol of course (soccer) but he's learned to throw the Nerf football and has a nice spiral.

We did some shopping in the artist's section of old town. Earrings and a pendant for mom and the girls. I got a keychain and we got a clock. All handmade by this gentleman and his father. Clock and keychain are wood carving with amber, everything else is amber and silver.  Amber is the national stone of Latvia.

Another trip to the Central market. We split off so I could find shrimp. We hadn't found the fish pavilion. I found it on the far side of the market. I was in fish heaven. Eels, mussels, fish of all kinds. Fresh, smoked, frozen. Shrimp weren't plentiful except for one seller. Some of it was frozen, but it's what I needed for Etoufee. 5.80E a kilo is expensive for meat here. Though that was cheap. There was in the 12-15E a kilo range. You could get real sturgeon caviar for only 25E a something (certainly not kilo) Wendy has never had it. I will get some and she can try it. I haven't had it in years. Crazy expensive in the States, stuff that is any good anyway. My other quest is to eat some eel here, it's supposedly excellent and is traditional here. The idea of having a fresh sardine sandwich makes me hungry just thinking about it and I am currently full from dinner.

One really cool thing happened last night though. As I put the kids to bed (well it takes both of us, they are squirrely) I gave Jaenelle a hug and a kiss and told her I loved her, the way I do every night.  I then moved over and gave Dite the same. She often plays coy. She was reluctant to show physical affection as quickly as her brothers. Entirely understandable. She has started hugging me and saying "mans tetis" it means "my daddy." That's nice. Last night though as I moved to give her a hug, she kissed me on the cheeks.  My first kisses from her! THAT is memorable. So not earthshattering, but something I will remember certainly.

Off to put the kids to bed. Maybe I'll get kisses again.

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