Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It's been a long time since I wrote anything.

Lots has gone on.

The paperwork is done and submitted. Proud and relieved Wendy in October. Thought it was fitting we sent the paperwork off on our Anniversary (16 years... eek!)

So we moved into a new house on December 18th.

It's big beautiful and is a big change for us. On the far opposite side of town from where I grew up and where we have lived for 20 years. We will adapt.

Paperwork progressed slowly, in large part because we just weren't as on top of it as we could be, but in part over concerns with my mother and some with extra travel with my job. Her health was poor. She passed away November 22nd. It was hard. We saw the first kids up for potential adoption the Friday before she died. I got the email in the parking lot of the hotel. The kids looked so perfect for our family. It brought me to tears. Then we found out those kids really weren't available because they were working with a host family already. That brought me to tears again. It's happened twice more that kids we express interest in are not actually available. That's frustrating, but if it means children that need parents are getting parents? I'm good with that. Our time will come. It's just a matter of persistence and perseverance. That we have in spades. 

Mom's funeral was tough. My brother, Pat and I sang at the service. We were joined by his daughter, Samantha, for one song. She sings very nicely. I am out of practice as part of a group. I need to let them tune and should work on my harmony. Too long singing lead.

We have new information on new groups of kids. We have expressed interest in three different groups. We will see what we hear from the Latvian Ministry of Welfare. 

Sorry the blog is wandering, but IT'S A BLOG. Hur hur hur.

Lesse... we got a new dog. He is GIANT! His name is Duke. A purebred Newfoundland. He's a bit of a turd. Kind of a bully. Not mean, he just kinda does what he wants. He looks like a bear. 
Here is a picture.

He really is a nice dog, he just has bad manners. We are looking to join an obedience training course.

We have decided to take Jack and Jaenelle to Latvia with us. Lots of reasons. I won't go into them, they aren't all positive and I don't air my dirty laundry. We think that our two existing kids will probably help with new children more than they will complicate things. It will cost more, but money is just money. I'm a firm believer that money is the least valuable thing in the whole world. Well, OK, perhaps conservative political propagandists and the ideas of people that believe them. Those have negative value, money has more value than that, but not much above zero. It's just a tool and if you are willing to work or sacrifice, the money you need will come along. What you WANT? Well, I can't help with that.

So we are in a holding pattern, We will let you all know when we know more. 

1 comment:

  1. The best things in life are indeed those which money cant' buy! Excited for you all and for the unfolding adventure! Congratulations!
